
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Monument

Flowers are starting to bloom here in the Northwest and folks are ignoring the drizzle to prepare their yards for warmer weather. At this time of year I always think of Mr. Melcher, a celebrity in the Bay Area neighborhood where I grew up in the early Sixties. Mr. Melcher was famous for having the best-looking yard in the neighborhood, but you won't believe what he did one year. Read about it (here).



  1. My mom and I considered getting a goat one year because I would never have much time to mow the lawn. While I don't do a lot of things southerns are known for, thinking about getting a barn-yard animals to take care of a growing lawn definitely was southern.

  2. ha we had a guy in the neighborhood that ripped everything out and put in rocks everywhere, big rocks and was cool...ugh i need to get a new lawn mower...smiles.
