Today I’m rewarding myself for a decade of hard work—the struggle to become a writer. I’ve always liked to tell stories, but mostly I’ve told them in paint. I was a professional illustrator for years (The bull on the Chubby Chatterbox masthead was my illustration logo). I not only judged books by their covers, I created many of them as well.
Since leaving the field of illustration, I’ve had little success finding an outlet for my writing. I like paranormal stories but I’m not into vampires or werewolves. I’m a fifty-eight year old chubby chatterbox, unabashedly sentimental, with a penchant for the past, and the belief that a good story can raise the spirits of just about anyone.
My wife Sue and I are high school sweethearts, married since 1974. Colin is our thirty-one year old son, and he tells me that the audience for my writing is on the Internet. He recently reminded me of words I’ve thrown at him over the years: don’t be afraid to think outside the box! This Blog was his idea to look beyond the publishing world to seek an audience for my writing.
This is an experiment to journey outside the box….